Is your enterprise responding quickly to market dynamics and focusing on customer centricity? If the answer is no, your organization may need a cultural shift. This is where SAFe Transformation comes into play.

The Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) is a highly popular and widely applied approach for organizations aiming to drive transformation and instill agility at all levels—be it organizational, portfolio, program, or team levels. SAFe stands tall as a comprehensive solution for achieving business agility, enabling organizations to swiftly adapt to changing market conditions and remain focused on customer-centricity.

What is SAFe Transformation?

Today, adaptation isn’t an option anymore; it’s a necessity.  Organizations must evolve continuously to meet customer needs, embrace technological advancements, and navigate market dynamics effectively. And, traditional organizations often struggle to keep pace in today’s rapidly evolving business landscape.

SAFe Transformation involves adopting the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) organization-wide to scale Agile practices effectively. This includes restructuring teams, aligning strategy with execution, enhancing collaboration, accelerating time-to-market, and fostering continuous improvement. It equips leaders with tools to navigate change successfully across business strategies, portfolio management, program execution, and team collaboration. Organizations analyze challenges, assess potential impacts, and develop resilient contingency plans by making informed decisions and embracing calculated risks.

This blog on SAFe Transformation will provide a detailed approach to beginning the SAFe transformation journey in a traditional organization, ensuring a seamless and effective transition.

Understanding SAFe: An Overview

SAFe, or the Scaled Agile Framework, is a set of organizational and workflow patterns intended to guide enterprises in scaling lean and agile practices. SAFe promotes alignment, collaboration, and delivery across multiple agile teams. It integrates principles from Lean, Agile, and DevOps to support large-scale, complex projects.

SAFe Lean-Agile Principles SAFe is based on ten immutable, underlying Lean-Agile principles. These tenets and economic concepts inspire and inform the roles and practices of SAFe.

The four Core Values 

The four SAFe Core Values represent the key foundational beliefs to SAFe’s effectiveness.

  • Alignment
  • Transparency
  • Respect for people
  • Relentless improvement 

Please read our blog for an  in-depth understanding of the SAFe Core Values

SAFe Lean-Agile Principles 

SAFe is built on ten fundamental Lean-Agile principles that guide roles and practices. Here’s a simplified explanation:

SAFe Lean-Agile Principles
SAFe Lean-Agile Principles

1. Take an Economic View: Focus on the economic impact of decisions to maximize value for the customer and optimize the entire value stream.

2. Apply Systems Thinking: View the organization as a system of interconnected parts, optimizing the whole rather than just individual teams or departments.

3. Assume Variability; Preserve Options: Embrace uncertainty by keeping options open as long as possible, allowing flexibility and adaptation.

4. Build Incrementally with Fast Integrated Learning Cycles: Deliver value in small increments with fast learning cycles, enabling rapid feedback and continuous improvement.

5. Base Milestones on Objective Evaluation of Working Systems: Set milestones based on working systems’ performance to ensure measurable progress aligned with business goals.

6. Visualize and Limit WIP (Work in Progress), Reduce Batch Sizes, and Manage Queue Lengths: Use visual tools to track progress, limit WIP, reduce batch sizes, and manage queues to improve efficiency.

7. Apply Cadence, Synchronize with Cross-Domain Planning: Use regular planning, execution, and delivery cycles to synchronize activities across teams and domains, ensuring alignment.

8. Unlock the Intrinsic Motivation of Knowledge Workers: Foster autonomy, mastery, and purpose to motivate knowledge workers, driving innovation and higher performance.

9. Decentralize Decision-Making: Empower teams to make decisions quickly, increasing agility and responsiveness to changes.

10. Organize Around Value: Structure teams and resources around delivering value to the customer, aligning work with customer needs and business outcomes.

These principles help organizations adopt SAFe, scale Agile practices, and promote collaboration, continuous improvement, and alignment with customer and business goals.

Key Pillars of successful SAFe implementation

1. Leadership Engagement and Commitment: Leadership involvement is critical for driving successful SAFe implementation. Executives and senior management must actively champion Agile values and practices, demonstrating unwavering support throughout the transformation journey. Their visible commitment reinforces the importance of agility and aligns organizational goals with SAFe principles. 


2. Comprehensive Training and Education: Equipping teams with essential SAFe knowledge and skills is paramount. Comprehensive training sessions ensure that all stakeholders, from executives to development teams, share a common understanding and language regarding the SAFe framework. This educational effort fosters collaboration and promotes consistency in implementing Agile methodologies across the organization.


3. Cultivating a Lean-Agile Mindset: Shifting from traditional command-and-control structures to a Lean-Agile mindset forms the foundation of SAFe transformation. Embracing Lean thinking and Agile principles encourages adaptability, responsiveness, and a focus on delivering customer value. This cultural shift empowers teams to innovate, collaborate effectively, and continuously improve their processes. 

4. Agile Release Trains (ARTs): Agile Release Trains are fundamental to SAFe implementation, serving as the primary organizing construct. ARTs are cross-functional teams aligned around a shared mission to deliver value consistently. They enable synchronization, collaboration, and alignment across multiple teams, promoting efficient delivery and reducing dependencies. 

5. Embracing Continuous Improvement: SAFe promotes a culture of continuous improvement as a cornerstone of organizational agility. Regularly assessing processes, outcomes, and feedback loops allows teams to identify opportunities for enhancement and optimization. This iterative approach ensures that the organization remains responsive to market changes, enhances productivity, and delivers superior outcomes consistently. 

Implementing these key pillars fosters an environment where agility thrives, enabling organizations to navigate complexity, respond swiftly to market demands, and uphold a customer-centric approach. By integrating leadership commitment, comprehensive training, a Lean-Agile mindset, effective ARTs, and continuous improvement practices, organizations can achieve sustainable success through SAFe implementation.

How to begin your SAFe Transformation Journey?

Starting a SAFe transformation journey necessitates a deep assessment of the organization’s present conditions and a definitive change vision. Reviewing current practices, identifying a strong transformation rationale, and laying out clear goals are pivotal. Organizations can craft customized strategies by understanding the starting point and setting a maturity baseline. Achieving success depends on explicit communication, targeted training, and the strategic rollout of incremental changes to reduce disturbances. This method guarantees stakeholder alignment and promotes a sustainable, flexible transformation process.

Clarify the need for change 

Understanding why there is a need for change is crucial for organizations at any starting point, be it rigid waterfall processes or a mix of ad hoc methods. Change is prompted either by a burning platform, where existing practices are inadequate, and urgency is high or by visionary leadership, driving a proactive stance toward a better future. In both scenarios, leadership is pivotal in articulating a compelling vision for change, emphasizing that maintaining the status quo is unsustainable. This clarity and urgency are essential to galvanize the organization towards embracing necessary transformations for sustained success.

Establish the Change Vision

In the context of a SAFe transformation, the vision should be rooted in the Lean-Agile Mindset and SAFe Principles. Leaders must communicate the change’s vision and urgency and the benefits it aims to deliver, including improved time-to-market, quality, productivity, and employee engagement.

Creating a vision for change is vital for transforming an organization. It offers clarity, purpose, and alignment. This approach drives motivation, underlines the need for change, and promotes unified efforts among employees.

Leaders should also outline specific objectives and baseline metrics, demonstrating why the current state is unsustainable and detailing the strategy to achieve the target future state. This measurable improvement in key performance indicators is essential to drive the change and overcome resistance.

Assess the Current State

Evaluate the existing processes, culture, and capabilities of the organization. Identify areas that need improvement and determine the readiness of your teams for an agile transformation. By assessing current training, team readiness, roadmap progress, and configuration choices, organizations gain a realistic view of their readiness and capability to undertake the transformation. This assessment ensures stakeholder alignment, coordinated efforts, resource utilization, and managed expectations throughout the transformation journey.

Evaluate the Baseline

Establishing and measuring a maturity baseline for SAFe implementation involves creating a simple, customized model that aligns with the organization’s specific needs, avoiding unnecessary complexity. This model acts as a starting point for assessing traditional organizations, business units, or specific lines of business. It can be adapted to fit the client’s context, capturing key organizational characteristics across various dimensions relevant to SAFe adoption.

To prevent assessment fatigue, organizations should use minimally invasive measurement techniques. These include conducting interviews (both individual and group sessions) to gather insights, observing meetings to understand current practices, and using short assessments with eight to nine focused questions. These methods ensure the assessment process is effective yet manageable, providing valuable data to guide the SAFe implementation strategy.

A well-crafted maturity baseline not only sets a benchmark for the current state of agile maturity but also facilitates continuous improvement efforts by periodically reassessing and adjusting strategies based on the organization’s evolving needs and goals.

Strategize the key steps 

Successful organizational transformation requires several critical steps. Start by collecting and analyzing baseline data to understand the current state and identify strengths and areas for improvement. Persistent communication of the target maturity level is crucial to gain buy-in and ensure alignment with transformation goals.

The process should be divided into key categories: organizational readiness, content readiness, logistics and planning event readiness, and enablers. Organizational readiness involves preparing the organization for change with clear communication strategies and capacity allocation. Content readiness includes preparing resources and allocating subject matter experts. Logistics and planning ensure that all aspects of events, like PI Planning, are well-prepared. Enablers involve implementing necessary training and tools.

Tailor the transformation strategy to the client’s current context using familiar terminology to reduce cognitive load. Based on assessment data, prioritize readiness aspects, focusing on critical areas before major events like PI Planning. This involves developing a clear case for change, allocating capacity, organizing teams effectively, and conducting necessary training and workshops.

Educate and Empower Leaders, Stakeholders, and Teams

Educate Leaders and Stakeholders Ensure that all leaders and stakeholders understand the principles and benefits of SAFe. Conduct workshops, seminars, and training sessions to build awareness and gain buy-in from key decision-makers. This step is crucial for fostering a culture of collaboration and support throughout the transformation process.

Train Teams in Agile and SAFe Practices Train all teams involved in product development on Agile methodologies and SAFe practices. This training will equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to work effectively within the SAFe framework. Teams should learn about Agile ceremonies, program increment planning, backlog refinement, and other essential practices.

Create Agile Release Trains (ARTs)

An Agile Release Train (ART) is a team of Agile teams working together to deliver value to customers. Establish ARTs that align with the organization’s value streams and business units. Each ART should have a clear mission and shared objectives, fostering collaboration and cross-functional communication.

Start Slow 

Start with small, manageable changes to minimize disruption, such as implementing one Agile Release Train (ART). This initial success can motivate broader adoption and provide a model for further transformation.

Depending on complexity and baseline maturity, design flexible building blocks that can scale from one ART to multiple ARTs or from Essential SAFe to Full SAFe. Allocate eight to twelve weeks for preparation before the first official planning event.

In practice, a health industry client created and implemented a readiness plan in about twenty weeks, improving coordination and visibility across ARTs. Similarly, a pharmaceutical organization developed a phased implementation roadmap before deploying Jira Align, ensuring better coordination and visibility.

Some Common Challenges in SAFe Implementation

1.Resistance to Change and Cultural Alignment 

It is important to address resistance from employees accustomed to traditional methods by fostering a culture of openness and continuous learning. Involve stakeholders early and communicate SAFe benefits clearly to align transformation with strategic goals.

2. Ensuring Alignment Across Teams and Continuous Improvement 

Achieving alignment among teams and departments using SAFe principles is crucial.  Regular Program Increment (PI) planning and synchronization meetings help maintain alignment and foster continuous improvement.

3. Training and Skill Development for Effective Implementation 

To ensure successful SAFe implementation, provide comprehensive training on Agile methodologies, SAFe practices, and program increment planning. Equip all team members, including leadership and support staff, with the necessary skills.

4. Implementing Agile Release Trains (ARTs) and Logistics Planning 

Setting up and managing Agile Release Trains (ARTs) aligned with organizational value streams is essential. Focus on logistics and capacity planning to ensure smooth execution of events like PI Planning.

5. Balancing Local Optimization with System-wide Impact 

Shift focus from local team optimization to achieving system-wide benefits using a systems thinking approach. Measure overall business outcomes rather than just team performance metrics to gauge success.

6. Scaling Agile Across Complex Organizations and Sustaining Change 

Scaling Agile practices across complex organizations requires utilizing SAFe scaling frameworks tailored to organizational size and complexity. Develop a change management strategy that includes continuous training, regular assessments, and adaptation of practices based on lessons learned.

Role of SAFe Implementation Experts in SAFe Transformation

While internal leaders and change agents are vital, enlisting external experts specialized in SAFe transformation offers significant advantages. These experts bring deep expertise, fresh perspectives, and proven methodologies, accelerating the organization’s journey towards business agility. Their guidance fosters innovation and ensures sustainable success in today’s competitive landscape.

  1. Onboarding Stakeholders with Case Studies and Strategic Analysis: External consultants bring valuable case studies and strategic analyses from successful SAFe transformations, facilitating the onboarding of stakeholders.

  2. Collaborative Partnership with Internal Teams for Change Leadership: Consultants collaborate closely with internal teams, fostering a partnership to effectively drive change. They assist in establishing centers of excellence or cohorts within the organization, empowering internal champions with the necessary knowledge and tools to autonomously lead the transformation forward.

  3. Providing Fresh Perspectives for Innovative Solutions:  Drawing on their expertise, coaches and consultants tailor the SAFe framework to fit the specific context and needs of the organization. They customize implementation strategies, configurations, and practices to align with organizational goals, culture, and industry requirements.

  4.  Tailoring Expertise to Fit Organizational Context: Consultants tailor the SAFe framework to fit the specific context and needs of the organization.

  5. Bringing Credibility, Authenticity, and Unbiased Guidance: External experts bring credibility and authenticity through their track record of successful transformations. Their unbiased views and external validation help overcome internal skepticism and ensure decisions are based on best practices and proven methodologies.

  6.  Assessing Critical Paths and Facilitating Strategic Resolution : Consultants assess the organization’s current state, identifying critical paths and potential roadblocks to transformation.

  7. Continuous Development through Training and Mentoring : Beyond initial training sessions, consultants provide ongoing mentoring and coaching to develop internal competencies in SAFe practices.

At Skillbook Academy, we specialize in professional development through Agile Training and provide comprehensive solutions for business and product agility. From individual coaching to team development and entire organizational transformation, we address all aspects of agile implementation. Our partnerships with industry leaders and diverse clientele have equipped us with the experience and expertise to tailor our services to meet your unique needs. Discover how we can help you achieve business agility! Reach out to us today for a personalized agile assessment and transformation strategy.


In the words of Allen Ward, “A strategic inflection point is that moment when technological advancements, market changes, and customer expectations demand a company to either transform radically or face obsolescence.” This resonates profoundly in today’s fast-paced business environment. Traditional organizations now confront immense challenges due to rapid technological changes, dynamic markets, and evolving customer demands.

SAFe transformation provides a structured approach to tackle these challenges, empowering organizations to foster agility and customer-centricity at every level. By embracing SAFe principles grounded in Lean, Agile, and DevOps methodologies, businesses can streamline operations, boost collaboration, and expedite value delivery to customers. However, successful adoption hinges on implementing the right strategy and receiving expert guidance, as outlined in this blog. A well-defined strategy ensures that organizations can navigate the complexities of transformation effectively, driving sustainable success and achieving their business objectives.